Click Save Defaults to permanently save all changes you made in the Protection Options dialog box.
Click OK to save all changes you made in the Protection Options dialog box for this session only.
Click Cancel to remove any changes you made during this session in the Protection Options and close this dialog box.
'Inoculate files' inserts specific, code-dependent information into applications and startup documents when you protect a file. This information is later checked by SAM Intercept when the file is started.
'Protect CODE resources' sets the protect attribute of each CODE resource in protected files.
'Lock applications' works the same as clicking the Lock box in an application's Get Info window.
'Protection Options' displays the Protection Options dialog box where you select which options are applied when you protect your files from future viruses.
Click in the check box to turn a Protection option on or off. The Protection Options you select are applied to the files when you use a 'Protect' command.